Friday, November 11, 2011

Free People Wish List

In case anyone is trying to come up with last minute birthday gift ideas, Free People gift cards are always needed. Above are just a few of the items on my must-have wish list! I NEED all of them!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

It's officially the Holidays!!!!!!

FINALLY a new post! I have been so busy and preoccupied with work and holiday travel planning that I have been very neglectful of my blog. But, I am back and will probably still be posting less frequently than before due to lots of holiday plans coming up. Nevertheless, I hope to not go so long again between posts!

We just wrapped up putting up our holiday display at the store and it is magical. Christmas lights EVERYWHERE! These pictures are a bit messy... I haven't taken final photos yet, but I couldn't wait to share. The hanging rings and present wall are my favorite, but we have yet to receive the materials for our window display, so that may change. I heart the holidays!!!