Wednesday, May 4, 2011


My apartment is coming along slowly but surely and I'm having so much fun decorating! Here are some updates:

I've made some changes to my entry table... Audrey is still leaning because Ed apparently likes to drive me crazy by always forgetting to bring his tools over to hang my things! But, yesterday I had to run some errands for work and while I was out I bought the clear vases and succulents. I got the idea for this from a concept we did right before I left Anthropologie. I think they turned out really well and add a little life to the place.

Here is a close up of the succulents. Ed gave them 2 weeks to live. These days I'm especially loving my British flag frame that my old work friends from Anthro gave me :)

My mom gave me this frame I'm in LOVE with for Easter. Now I just need to find the right photo to put in it!
Yep! That's the bar cart I found at the Antique Trove. Ed's family got it for me for Easter :) It's so random, but I love it. I really think I'm going to get into this antique collecting idea.

I bought this panel from Pier 1 yesterday for $25!!! I just wanted to see how it looked and I'm really liking it. Now, I just need 3 more panels to cover both windows in the dining room.
I still want to get these for the living room... They're just more of a spurge so they will have to wait. 

This mirror would be perfect above my sofa. Horizontally of course. Recognize the pattern?

I'm kinda feeling these throw pillows for my bed.

And, I'm OBSESSED with this desk. It wants to be my make-up table, BAD!

That's all so far. Thoughts?


  1. I have that same Audrey picture in my house LOVE!! I am obsessed with everything in your house! soo jealous!

    xoxo Stylelista

  2. Haha we have TOO much in common... It's kinda scary! ;)
