Monday, May 9, 2011

No Regrets

I've come across so many young girls lately who are just about to graduate college and it's so fun to listen to them talk. They've made me realize how much I have changed and grown over the last 4 years. It seems like yesterday my outlook was just like theirs. I couldn't wait to finally graduate and get out into the world and just see where it would take me. My main focus was moving to a big city and getting an exciting job. I spent my first 2 years after graduation scratching and clawing through life trying to make my dreams come true. And, in many ways I did. I always wanted to live in New York and working for Conde Nast was one of those dreams that I always thought was unreachable. Somehow, I made it all happen for myself. But eventually I grew tired of the constant struggle for excitement and found myself gradually starting to desire calm contentment.  That is when things got a little easier. 

Since Ed and I started dating, I never thought I would end up moving to Scottsdale, but it seems to be one of the best moves I have made so far. The feeling of having an actual partner to help me out in life feels so good and secure and makes everything else not matter as much. I also have a really fun job where my main responsibility is to make things look pretty. I think I just needed to get all of that other stuff out of my system before I could settle down and I'm glad I did. I can honestly say that I have no regrets and have accomplished everything I wanted to accomplish by age 26! That is a feeling that makes surviving this quarter-life crisis a little easier. However, I have always wanted to be married or at least engaged at age 27.......... Just sayin.


  1. I hope I can be successful as you have been in 4 years :)

  2. Aww haha thanks! I have a feeling you will go even farther!
