Monday, September 12, 2011

Attempting Meditation

Ok, I don't get too far into all this meditation thing and being "centered" and blah blah. I think getting too into all of that is bad for you and quite frankly I don't have time to be constantly thinking about how to find inner happiness. I already have a joyful happy nature, so I don't need all that.

That being said, I do think taking some time every now and then to completely empty my mind might do me some good. My mind is constantly on the move... Often in Leah Land. Leah Land is a fun place, but I'm starting to think that I need to try and get out of my head a little bit and take in what's going on around me more... Be more observant and clear-headed.

I got to talking to one of the girls at work about it the other day and she gave me some tips to help me clear my head. I have attempted it a few times and have had no luck. The more I try to think about nothing the more my mind wanders. The Free People blog just recently did a post, too, about doing one thing at a time. It's called "uni-tasking". Supposedly uni-taskers get more done than multi-taskers do and are more thoughtful of each activity they do. I feel like trying that will also help de-clutter my head. Since reading that post, I've noticed how much I multi-task even in my downtime. I talk on the phone, while surfing the internet, while watching tv. So of course I don't catch everything the person on the phone is saying. The uni-tasker talks on the phone with their eyes closed... I don't think I'll be going that far, but I think I'll atleast cut out surfing the internet while talking...

So, here's to simplifying, clarifying and observing. Not sure if I'll ever be able to think of absolutely nothing for an extended period of time, but I'll give it a try! I'll keep you posted on how its going :)

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