Saturday, September 10, 2011

Fall Shopping!

I lost a little control yesterday. There were 3 things at work that I wanted to buy, so I was going to narrow it down to 2 and I ended up buying 4 things... Oops. I really don't care though.. I'll have to go hungry for the rest of the month, but I just couldn't live with out these outfits. I can't decide which shoes I like better with the blouse and shorts outfit. The black boots edge it up, but the grey ones are cute and break up the black. Thoughts? And, I know that a hat is totally impractical, but the hat made every outfit cuter, so it was a must-have.

The way I'm able to justify this splurge is that I have a visual meeting in a few weeks for work in Austin. I've never been to Austin, so I am so excited. And, the meeting will last 2 days, so I had no choice but to buy 2 great outfits. So, which shoes?

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