Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday Brunch

Like everyone else, I'm thinking a lot about New York today. It is such a special magical place. I got to thinking what I would be doing right now if I was still living there. More than likely I would be eating brunch. Carmen and I loved to go to different neighborhoods and try new brunch places every weekend but we also had our go-to favorites that included L'Express, Cafeteria, Ritz Diner, Sarabeth's and Max Brenner's. 

Sunday Brunch was something I looked forward to all week. Each of our favorites were in a different neighborhood so of course they each had a completely different atmosphere. L'Express was the first favorite we found. It was close to our first apartment near Gramercy Park and was always packed with people. And, they had excellent french toast and bagels. Mmm. We also found Cafeteria in Chelsea pretty early on. We went there when we craved a Sunday cocktail with our brunch. They had the best wildberry mojitos! 

Ritz Diner was one of the 20 or so diners we tried during our year and a half long stay in New York. I loved going to old New York diners for some reason. But, Ritz was very close to our Upper East Side apartment, so it became our go-to place for french toast and grilled cheeses after we moved.

Sarabeth's and Max Brenner's were the places we went when we were entertaining guests. Sarabeth's was right off of Central Park and had amazing eggs benedict and french toast. Can you tell we had a thing for french toast? And, there is no place like Max Brenner's in Union Square. You feel like you've entered Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory when you go in there and of course the food is delicious. These places were a little more "impressive" to visitors than our regular spots, but I love them all equally.

For some reason, Sunday brunch in New York is so much better than it is anywhere else. Partly because you have infinite options that are all amazing. But, also because you can feel everyone sort of slow down, relax and appreciate the fact that they live in the greatest city on earth. I think it's time to start planning another trip...

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