Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Another Begins!

Ahh... The cable guy came today, so I'm finally reconnected to the world! It has been an extremely long past couple of days, but I am finally here and unpacked! Turns out, all of my anxieties about the move were for nothing. I couldn't have asked for a smoother trip!

Ed arrived on Saturday and helped me load the uhaul along with my mom and sister. Everything fit just right!

I was really sad when we first left. It was hard to get excited because I was more focused on what I was leaving than what I was getting. I cried for a bit and Ed was getting a little worried. I took this picture because I knew it was the last time I would see so much pretty green for a while. 

Crossing the river... Bye bye Mississippi :(

After an hour or so I started feeling better and getting excited. That's when the car singing started. I know what you are all thinking... Poor Ed. But, he was a trooper. There were a few songs that he got pretty tired of hearing because I played them over and over. My favorite song of the whole trip was Here Comes the Sun. I think it may be the best road trip song ever. We stayed pretty entertained until we passed Fort Worth and got to West Texas. It's flat as can be and has nothing to look at. MOST.BORING.DRIVE.EVER.

Atleast we ran into some windmills. I don't know why, but I just think they are so cool! Especially when there are so many of them. This part of the drive almost made me feel like we were on another planet.

We stopped for the night in Midland, TX and had a nice little dinner at a very "Texas" restaurant. The mashed potatoes were so good I got some extra to go so I could have them again.

The next day, we set out again and finally made it to Arizona! I think they could use a better welcome sign, but that's just me.

And, a few long hours later we made it to my apartment. I was so excited!

Everyone is asking for more pictures of the apartment and they are coming soon. For now, I have to go drop off the uhaul and do a practice run to my new job so I know where I'm going tomorrow. Can't wait to pick up some pizza on our way back and have my first tv lounge night with Ed in my new home!!!

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