Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Life Lessons: Compromise

Ed and I at his sister's wedding almost 5 years ago

Ed and I have an extremely busy summer! He's going to Connecticut for the 4th of July (I will be working) and then to San Francisco for his friend's wedding at the end of August. I would love to go with him to San Francisco (I've never been), but it's the same weekend as Lori's 30th birthday, and I wouldn't miss that for the world! We're also both busy at work and often have different schedules, so finding time to be together has become a little bit of a challenge. 

One of the most important lessons I have learned through all of this growing up I've been doing is the art of compromising and rolling with the punches! I think everyone was curious to see how Ed and I would each adjust to being in the same place after being long distance for our entire 5 year relationship. And, I know there are probably some people out there placing bets on how long we will last, but I have to say that I have more faith in our relationship now than I ever have. We've overcome obstacles that a lot of couples don't ever have to go through. I've found that I care so much about him that his happiness is as important to me as my own. If we're in a dilemma in which 1 option makes me unhappy and the other option makes him unhappy, I see it as a lose/lose situation and often times just give in and give him what he wants or vice versa. We've gotten really good about talking through problems and finding a solution that is fair to both of us. That doesn't mean that we never argue. There are times when we've even had to walk away to cool off and clear our heads. But, I think that is important, too. 

I've only been here for 2 months and I feel like it has been so much longer than that. I think because there has been so much going on and so much around me has been changing. But, I'm finally starting to feel like I'm settling in. Ed and I have come a long way in the last 5 years and even farther these last 2 months. We are figuring things out one day at a time and really appreciating the time that we're spending together. I'm so excited about having the next 2 days off and our date night we have planned for tomorrow night! One of countless more to come :)

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